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Prevalence of obesity and associated health risks in soldiers of the German Armed Forces.

BACKGROUND: Obesity rates are rising in the armed forces of Western democratic countries, impacting military readiness and health. This highlights the need for preventive health risk assessments and countermeasures.

METHODS: Using mandatory health examination data from 2018 to 2022, we analyzed the prevalence of obesity, health risks, and associated specific military risk factors (rank and unit) in 43,214 soldiers of the German Armed Forces. Statistical methods included χ2 contingencies and binary logistic regressions.

RESULTS: The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥ 30) was 18.0%. Male soldiers (OR = 3.776) and those with an officer's rank (OR = 1.244) had an increased chance for obesity. Serving in a combat unit reduced the chance of being obese (OR = .886). Considering BMI and waist circumference, 2.4% of the total sample faced extremely high cardiovascular and metabolic health risks, while 11.0% and 11.6% had very high or high health risks, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data underscore the importance of targeting obesity-related health risk factors in soldiers to ensure their well-being and deployment readiness.

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