Journal Article
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Prognostic Implications of Early Prediction in Posttraumatic Epilepsy.

Posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a complication of traumatic brain injury that can increase morbidity, but predicting which patients may develop PTE remains a challenge. Much work has been done to identify a variety of risk factors and biomarkers, or a combination thereof, for patients at highest risk of PTE. However, several issues have hampered progress toward fully adapted PTE models. Such issues include the need for models that are well-validated, cost-effective, and account for competing outcomes like death. Additionally, while an accurate PTE prediction model can provide quantitative prognostic information, how such information is communicated to inform shared decision-making and treatment strategies requires consideration of an individual patient's clinical trajectory and unique values, especially given the current absence of direct anti-epileptogenic treatments. Future work exploring approaches integrating individualized communication of prediction model results are needed.

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