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A new hybrid prediction model of COVID-19 daily new case data.

With the emergence of new mutant corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) strains such as Delta and Omicron, the number of infected people in various countries has reached a new high. Accurate prediction of the number of infected people is of far-reaching sig Nificance to epidemiological prevention in all countries of the world. In order to improve the prediction accuracy of COVID-19 daily new case data, a new hybrid prediction model of COVID-19 is proposed, which consists of four modules: decomposition, complexity judgment, prediction and error correction. Firstly, singular spectrum decomposition is used to decompose the COVID-19 data into singular spectrum components (SSC). Secondly, the complexity judgment is innovatively divided into high-complexity SSC and low-complexity SSC by neural network estimation time entropy. Thirdly, an improved LSSVM by GODLIKE optimization algorithm, named GLSSVM, is proposed to improve its prediction accuracy. Then, each low-complexity SSC is predicted by ARIMA, and each high-complexity SSC is predicted by GLSSVM, and the prediction error of each high-complexity SSC is predicted by GLSSVM. Finally, the predicted results are combined and reconstructed. Simulation experiments in Japan, Germany and Russia show that the proposed model has the highest prediction accuracy and the lowest prediction error. Diebold Mariano (DM) test is introduced to evaluate the model comprehensively. Taking Japan as an example, compared with ARIMA prediction model, the RMSE, average error and MAPE of the proposed model are reduced by 93.17%, 91.42% and 81.20% respectively.

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