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A Report on the Safety of Acitretin Use in Renal Failure Patients on Hemodialysis.

Acitretin, commonly used for severe psoriasis and keratinocyte carcinoma chemoprevention in high-risk patients, is contraindicated in patients with end stage renal disease on hemodialysis. However, these patients often lack medication choices and in certain clinical scenarios, the benefits of acitretin may outweigh the potential risks. We identified 24 end stage renal disease patients on HD taking acitretin from Duke and Vanderbilt University Medical Centers. While adverse effects were common, patients did not frequently discontinue the medication due to them. We also found no association between acitretin with hospital admissions or mortality. We lastly found statistically significant increases in ALP and total bilirubin when on acitretin and dialysis compared to baseline. However, there was no dose-dependency or temporal association with acitretin or hemodialysis initiation. Based off these preliminary findings, we find that acitretin may safely be used in patients receiving HD with close monitoring of ALP and bilirubin.

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