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Blood Serum Amino Acid Pool of European Migratory Chiroptera Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 and Pipistrellus nathusii Keyserling et Blasius, 1839 of the Ural Fauna.

The pool of free amino acids (AAs) in the blood serum was studied in two European migratory bat species, Vespertilio murinus and Pipistrellus nathusii, of the Urals. Bats from this year's bloods were examined, and significant differences were observed in main metabolic groups of free AAs, including glycogenic (GGAAs), nonessential (NEAAs), essential (EAAs), and sulfur-containing (SCAAs) AAs (p < 0.05). Based on the percent content of the metabolic groups in the total AA pool, GGAAs (79.7%) and EAAs (49.4%) were found to predominate in P. nathusii, and GGAAs (74.9%) and NEAAs (58.4%), in V. murinus. No difference in AAA and BCAA contents was observed between V. murinus and P. nathusii (p > 0.05). The migratory species were shown to significantly differ in the metabolic groups of serum AAs from the resident species Myotis dasycneme (p < 0.05).

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