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How effective are concentrated growth factor and injectable platelets in reducing complications following impacted third molar surgery?

OBJECTIVES: This study examines the impact of injectable platelet-rich fibrin (iPRF) and concentrated growth factor (CGF) on postoperative pain, edema, trismus, and quality of life in impacted mandibular third molar surgery. The primary aim of this study was to minimize common sequelae following third molar surgery by using iPRF and CGF. Our secondary objective was to compare the postoperative effects of these products.

METHOD AND MATERIALS: This study represents a single-center, randomized prospective clinical trial conducted at the Ordu University Faculty of Dentistry. It involved patients who underwent third molar surgery for various reasons between July and October 2022. The predictor variable was the implementation of CGF, and i-PRF which was categorized as CGF, i-PRF and control groups. The outcome variables include pain levels and analgesic consumption measured on a VAS scale, distances between predetermined anatomical points, maximum mouth opening capacity, and data from the postoperative symptom severity (PoSSe) scale. Some statistical tests were performed with a 95% confidence interval, which was considered significant.

RESULTS: Total analgesic use was notably lower in the CGF group (p = .044). CGF and iPRF outperformed the control group in all edema measurements by the 7th day (T-Pog, L-A, T-C; p<.05). CGF significantly reduced trismus on the 2nd and 7th days. Quality of life was notably higher in the CGF group than in the control group (p = .026), although iPRF group differences were not significant.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that CGF has a limited impact on postoperative pain, but significantly reduces edema, trismus, and enhances quality of life. The iPRF group experienced positive effects on pain, edema, and trismus, although the statistically significant differences observed with CGF highlight its potential for use instead of iPRF after third molar surgery. An increased sample size is essential for more comprehensive results.

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