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Prediction of hematologic toxicity in luminal type breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy using CT L1 level skeletal muscle index.
Scientific Reports 2024 April 13
This study aims to explore the correlation between the CT-L1 and L3 body composition parameters and analyze the relationship between L1 body composition and hematologic toxicity in luminal-type breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Data from 140 luminal-type breast cancer patients who underwent surgical treatment after neoadjuvant chemotherapy were analyzed retrospectively. Spearman analysis was used to assess the correlation between CT-L1 and CT-L3 body composition parameters pre-neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Additionally, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors influencing hematologic toxicity. CT-L1 body composition parameters were positively correlated with CT-L3 body composition parameters in 34 patients. Severe hematological toxicity occurred in 46 cases among the patient cohort. A skeletal muscle index (SMI) of < 32.91 cm2 /m2 , initial tumor size ≥ 3.335 cm, and a glucose-to-neutrophil ratio (GLR) ≥ 2.88 were identified as independent risk factors for severe hematologic toxicity during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in luminal-type breast cancer patients. The sample size in this study is small, and the predictive capacity of GLR in hematologic toxicity requires further research for comprehensive validation. CT-L1 analysis represents a viable alternative to CT-L3 analysis for body composition assessment. Patients with a low skeletal muscle index were more prone to experiencing severe hematologic toxicity during neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
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