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Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction and Incident Cancer.
Heart, Lung & Circulation 2024 April 11
BACKGROUND: It has been postulated that cancer hampers the delivery of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) for heart failure (HF). However, few data are available in this regard.
METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis from the HF Outpatient Clinic of the IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino in Genova, Italy. All HF patients evaluated between 2010 and 2019, with a left ventricular ejection fraction <50% and at least two visits ≥3 months apart with complete information about GDMT were included in the study. We assessed the prescription of GDMT-in particular, beta-blockers (BB), renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi), and mineralocorticoid antagonists (MRA)-at the time of the last HF evaluation and compared it between patients with and without incidental cancer. For those with incidental cancer, we also evaluated modifications of GDMT comparing the HF evaluations before and after cancer diagnosis.
RESULTS: Of 464 HF patients, 39 (8%) had incidental cancer. There were no statistical differences in GDMT between patients with and without incidental cancer at last evaluation. In the year following cancer diagnosis, of 33 patients with incidental cancer on BB, none stopped therapy, but two had a down-titration to a dosage <50%; of 27 patients on RASi, two patients stopped therapy and three had a down-titration to a dosage <50%; of 19 patients on MRA, four stopped therapy.
CONCLUSIONS: Although HF patients with incidental cancer may need to have GDMT down-titrated at the time of cancer diagnosis, this does not appear to significantly hinder the delivery of HF therapies during follow-up.
METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis from the HF Outpatient Clinic of the IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino in Genova, Italy. All HF patients evaluated between 2010 and 2019, with a left ventricular ejection fraction <50% and at least two visits ≥3 months apart with complete information about GDMT were included in the study. We assessed the prescription of GDMT-in particular, beta-blockers (BB), renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi), and mineralocorticoid antagonists (MRA)-at the time of the last HF evaluation and compared it between patients with and without incidental cancer. For those with incidental cancer, we also evaluated modifications of GDMT comparing the HF evaluations before and after cancer diagnosis.
RESULTS: Of 464 HF patients, 39 (8%) had incidental cancer. There were no statistical differences in GDMT between patients with and without incidental cancer at last evaluation. In the year following cancer diagnosis, of 33 patients with incidental cancer on BB, none stopped therapy, but two had a down-titration to a dosage <50%; of 27 patients on RASi, two patients stopped therapy and three had a down-titration to a dosage <50%; of 19 patients on MRA, four stopped therapy.
CONCLUSIONS: Although HF patients with incidental cancer may need to have GDMT down-titrated at the time of cancer diagnosis, this does not appear to significantly hinder the delivery of HF therapies during follow-up.
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