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Journal Article
Role of mitochondria in pathogenesis and therapy of renal fibrosis.
Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 2024 April 10
Renal fibrosis, specifically tubulointerstitial fibrosis, represents the predominant pathological consequence observed in the context of progressive chronic kidney conditions. The pathogenesis of renal fibrosis encompasses a multifaceted interplay of mechanisms, including but not limited to interstitial fibroblast proliferation, activation, augmented production of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, and impaired ECM degradation. Notably, mitochondria, the intracellular organelles responsible for orchestrating biological oxidation processes in mammalian cells, assume a pivotal role within this intricate milieu. Mitochondrial dysfunction, when manifest, can incite a cascade of events, including inflammatory responses, perturbed mitochondrial autophagy, and associated processes, ultimately culminating in the genesis of renal fibrosis. This comprehensive review endeavors to furnish an exegesis of mitochondrial pathophysiology and biogenesis, elucidating the precise mechanisms through which mitochondrial aberrations contribute to the onset and progression of renal fibrosis. We explored how mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondrial cytopathy and mitochondrial autophagy mediate ECM deposition and renal fibrosis from a multicellular perspective of mesangial cells, endothelial cells, podocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts. Furthermore, it succinctly encapsulates the most recent advancements in the realm of mitochondrial-targeted therapeutic strategies aimed at mitigating renal fibrosis.
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