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Do hospitalizations push households into poverty in India: evidence from national data.

INTRODUCTION: High percentage of OOP (Out-of-Pocket) costs can lead to poverty and exacerbate existing poverty, with 21.9% of India's 1.324 billion people living below the poverty line. Factors such as increased patient cost-sharing, high-deductible health plans, and expensive medications contribute to high OOP costs. Understanding the poverty-inducing impact of healthcare payments is essential for formulating effective measures to alleviate it.

METHODS: The study used data from the 75th round of the National Sample Survey Organization (Household Social Consumption in India: Health) from July 2017-June 2018, focusing on demographic-socio-economic characteristics, morbidity status, healthcare utilization, and expenditure. The analysis included 66,237 hospitalized individuals in the last 365 days. Logistic regression model was used to examine the impact of OOP expenditures on impoverishment.

RESULTS: Logistic regression analysis shows that there is 0.2868 lower odds of experiencing poverty due to OOP expenditures in households where there is the presence of at least one child aged 5 years and less present in the household compared to households who do not have any children. There is 0.601 higher odds of experiencing poverty due to OOP expenditures in urban areas compared to households in rural areas. With an increasing duration of stay in the hospital, there is a higher odds of experiencing poverty due to OOP health expenditures. There is 1.9013 higher odds of experiencing poverty due to OOP expenditures if at least one member in the household used private healthcare facility compared to households who never used private healthcare facilities.

CONCLUSION: In order to transfer demand from private to public hospitals and reduce OOPHE, policymakers should restructure the current inefficient public hospitals. More crucially, there needs to be significant investment in rural areas, where more than 70% of the poorest people reside and who are more vulnerable to OOP expenditures because they lack coping skills.

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