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Clinical spectrum, over 12-year follow-up and experience of SGLT2 inhibitors treatment on patients with glycogen storage disease type Ib: a single-center retrospective study.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2024 April 11
BACKGROUND: Glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD Ib) is a rare disorder characterized by impaired glucose homeostasis caused by mutations in the SLC37A4 gene. It is a severe inherited metabolic disease associated with hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, lactic acidosis, hepatomegaly, and neutropenia. Traditional treatment consists of feeding raw cornstarch which can help to adjust energy metabolism but has no positive effect on neutropenia, which is fatal for these patients. Recently, the pathophysiologic mechanism of the neutrophil dysfunction and neutropenia in GSD Ib has been found, and the treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor empaglifozin is now well established. In 2020, SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin started to be used as a promising efficient remover of 1,5AG6P in neutrophil of GSD Ib patients worldwide. However, it is necessary to consider long-term utility and safety of a novel treatment.
RESULTS: In this study, we retrospectively examined the clinical manifestations, biochemical examination results, genotypes, long-term outcomes and follow-up of thirty-five GSD Ib children who visited our department since 2009. Fourteen patients among them underwent empagliflozin treatment since 2020. This study is the largest cohort of pediatric GSD Ib patients in China as well as the largest cohort of pediatric GSD Ib patients treated with empagliflozin in a single center to date. The study also discussed the experience of long-term management on pediatric GSD Ib patients.
CONCLUSION: Empagliflozin treatment for pediatric GSD Ib patients is efficient and safe. Increase of urine glucose is a signal for pharmaceutical effect, however attention to urinary infection and hypoglycemia is suggested.
RESULTS: In this study, we retrospectively examined the clinical manifestations, biochemical examination results, genotypes, long-term outcomes and follow-up of thirty-five GSD Ib children who visited our department since 2009. Fourteen patients among them underwent empagliflozin treatment since 2020. This study is the largest cohort of pediatric GSD Ib patients in China as well as the largest cohort of pediatric GSD Ib patients treated with empagliflozin in a single center to date. The study also discussed the experience of long-term management on pediatric GSD Ib patients.
CONCLUSION: Empagliflozin treatment for pediatric GSD Ib patients is efficient and safe. Increase of urine glucose is a signal for pharmaceutical effect, however attention to urinary infection and hypoglycemia is suggested.
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