Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Baseline phenotypes with preserved β-cell function and high insulin concentrations have the best improvements in glucose tolerance after weight loss: results from the prospective DEXLIFE and EGIR-RISC studies.

BACKGROUND: Weight loss and lifestyle intervention improve glucose tolerance delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but individual responses are highly variable. Determining the predictive factors linked to the beneficial effects of weight loss on glucose tolerance could provide tools for individualized prevention plans. Thus, the aim was to investigate the relationship between pre-intervention values of insulin sensitivity and secretion and the improvement in glucose metabolism after weight loss.

METHODS: In the DEXLIFE cohort (373 individuals at high risk of T2D, assigned 3:1 to a 12-week lifestyle intervention or a control arm, Trial Registration: ISRCTN66987085), K-means clustering and logistic regression analysis were performed based on pre-intervention indices of insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion (AUC-I), and glucose-stimulated insulin response (ratio of incremental areas of insulin and glucose, iAUC I/G). The response to the intervention was evaluated in terms of reduction of OGTT-glucose concentration. Clusters' validation was done in the prospective EGIR-RISC cohort (n = 1538).

RESULTS: Four replicable clusters with different glycemic and metabolomic profiles were identified. Individuals had similar weight loss, but improvement in glycemic profile and β-cell function was different among clusters, highly depending on pre-intervention insulin response to OGTT. Pre-intervention high insulin response was associated with the best improvement in AUC-G, while clusters with low AUC-I and iAUC I/G showed no beneficial effect of weight loss on glucose control, as also confirmed by the logistic regression model.

CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with preserved β-cell function and high insulin concentrations at baseline have the best improvement in glucose tolerance after weight loss.

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