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Effectiveness of a web-based group intervention for internet addiction in university students.
Psychiatry Research 2024 March 28
The phenomenon of Internet addiction has been systematically addressed with numerous studies highlighting its association with deficits in self-regulation. Despite the extensive literature elucidating the adverse effects of Internet addiction on university students, the availability of relevant interventions has remained constrained. The current study aimed at evaluating a web-based, group intervention, which aimed to prevent Internet addiction and enhance self-regulation. The sample consisted of 47 undergraduate and postgraduate university students (Ν = 47, Mage =21, SD = 3), who were divided into an intervention (n = 24) and a control group (n = 23). The participants were asked to complete a) the Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998), and b) the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Brown et al., 1999), prior to the commencement of the intervention, after its conclusion, and one and a half months after the intervention. The web-based intervention consisted of 6 sessions, over a two-week period. Results indicated an improvement of self-regulation and Internet addiction levels for the intervention group, compared to the control group. These results were maintained at the one and a half months follow-up. Implications for designing and implementing web-based group interventions for Internet addiction are discussed.
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