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Management of Maxillofacial Trauma in Pregnant Women.

INTRODUCTION: Trauma during pregnancy deserves special attention as management must be directed towards both the mother and the fetus. Management of maxillofacial fractures in pregnancy can adversely affect the well-being of the fetus by impinging on normal functions such as respiration, mastication, and nutrition. Pregnancy complicates the management of facial injury due to the maintenance of the patent airway, anesthesia considerations, and imaging restraints. The purpose of this study is to use three illustrative from our own institution to further elucidate education on the management of mandible fracture in pregnancy with a focus on multidisciplinary treatment and outcomes.

METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed for all cases of facial fractures admitted to Ryder Trauma Center from 2012 to 2022. During this time, 4,910 patients presented with facial fractures 1319 patients were female. Three of the patients were pregnant at the time of admission. Demographics, mechanism of injury, associated injuries, and management information were collected.

RESULTS: Patient 1 was a 20-year-old female presented to Ryder Trauma Center following a motor vehicle collision. She was 17 weeks pregnant at the time of admission and was found to have a left mandibular angle fracture. Patient 2 was a 14-year-old female who presented to Ryder Trauma Center status post gunshot wound to the mandible after she and her brother were unknowingly playing with a loaded gun. She was 18 weeks pregnant at the time of admission, with a past medical history of domestic violence, suicidal ideation, and major depressive disorder. Patient 3 was a 20-year-old female 36 weeks pregnant at the time of admission. She presented with a right paraymphyseal fracture and left mandibular angle fracture as a result of falling on the stairs. Patients all underwent surgical repair of fractures.

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