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Cross-Sectional Imaging Characteristics of Pancreatic Intraductal Oncocytic Papillary Neoplasms.

PURPOSE: Pancreatic intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasms (IOPN) are rare precursors to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. We report cross-sectional computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (where available) findings of pancreatic IOPNs.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consecutive cases of pancreatic IOPNs identified on pathology between 2008 and 2020 at University of Pittsburgh and Johns Hopkins University were included in the study. Cross-sectional imaging of all patients was reviewed by two subspecialty trained abdominal radiologists. Patient demographics, cross-sectional imaging appearances and growth characteristics were evaluated.

RESULTS: In this dual-center study, 14 patients with IOPNs were included. Median age was 64 years, and 64% were male. The median size of the lesions was 5.4 cm (range, 1.4-12.3 cm). All patients had either an enhancing mural nodule (93% of patients) and/or thick internal septations (29%). Thin/imperceptible outer wall was seen in 93%. Main duct was involved in 64% of the cases. Only 14% of the cases did not demonstrate abutment of the main duct. Histologic evaluation of surgical specimen showed high-grade dysplasia without invasive carcinoma in 57% and invasive carcinoma in 43% of cases. Lesions with invasive carcinoma were larger (7.1 cm vs 4.3 cm, P = 0.05) and tended to have larger mural nodule (3.7 cm vs 1.8 cm) compared with those without invasive carcinoma.

CONCLUSION: Pancreatic IOPNs are rare cystic premalignant lesions, which among resected cases, are predominantly seen in middle aged men, are often large, have enhancing mural nodules and frequently harbor invasive carcinoma.

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