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A working memory intervention for children with prenatal alcohol exposure: Pilot study.

Cogmed© is a computerized working memory training program designed to improve attention and working memory. We examined the short- and long-term impacts of a 25-session Cogmed© intervention on working memory and other cognitive and learning domains in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and typically developing children. Participants included 38 children (4 - 13 years old) from Alberta, Canada in two groups: PAE (n = 20) and typically developing (n = 18). Significant improvements in areas of working memory and attentional control for both the PAE and the typically developing group were reported immediately after intervention completion (short-term impact). The gains on some measures were retained at five-week follow up (long-term impact). Preliminary findings indicate that computerized interventions may positively impact WM and attention control and that these changes may be maintained after a delay period.

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