Journal Article
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Ferroptosis, from the virus point of view: opportunities and challenges.

Ferroptosis is a new type of cell death, which is mainly dependent on the formation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxides mediated by iron. It is distinct from other forms of regulation of cell death in morphology, immunology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Various cell death mechanisms have been observed in many viral infections, and virus-induced cell death has long been considered as a double-edged sword that can inhibit or aggravate viral infections. However, understanding of the role of ferroptosis in various viral infections is limited. Special attention will be paid to the mechanisms of ferroptosis in mediating viral infection and antiviral treatment associated with ferroptosis. In this paper, we outlined the mechanism of ferroptosis. Additionally, this paper also review research on ferroptosis from the perspective of the virus, discussed the research status of ferroptosis in virus infection and classified and summarized research on the interaction between viral infections and ferroptosis.

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