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Complex Trauma Exposure and Placement Stability among Systems-Impacted Black and Latinx Youth: The Mediating Role of Multisystemic Strengths.
Child Maltreatment 2024 April 7
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of multisystemic strengths in the association between complex trauma (CT) exposure and placement stability among racialized youth using the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strength (CANS) assessment. Participants were 4022 Black and Latinx youth in the child welfare system in a midwestern state. Negative binomial regressions revealed a significant indirect effect of CT exposure on placement stability through interpersonal strengths ( p < .01), coping skills ( p < .001), optimism ( p < .01), and talents/interests ( p < .05). At the familial level, there was a significant indirect effect of CT exposure on placement stability through family strengths and relationship permanence ( p < .001). At the community level, educational system supports, and community resources indirectly impacted the relationship between CT exposure and placement stability ( p < .01). These findings suggest that early interventions aimed at identifying and developing multisystemic strengths in Black and Latinx youth in the child welfare system can help maximize placement stability.
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