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Seabream quality monitoring throughout the supply chain using a portable multispectral imaging device.

Monitoring food quality throughout the supply chain in a rapid and cost-effective way allows on-time decision making, reducing food waste and increasing sustainability. In that framework, a portable multispectral imaging sensor was used, while the acquired data in combination with neural networks were evaluated for the prediction of fish fillets quality. Images of fish fillets were acquired using samples from both aquaculture and retail stores of different packaging and fish parts. The obtained products (air or vacuum packaged) were further stored at different temperature conditions. In parallel to image acquisition, microbial quality was estimated as well. The data were used for the training of predictive neural models that aimed to estimate total aerobic counts (TAC). The models were developed and validated using data from aquaculture and were externally validated with samples purchased from the retail stores. The set up allowed the evaluation of models for the different parts of the fish and conditions. The performance for the validation set was similar for flesh (RMSE: 0.402-0.547) and skin side (RMSE: 0.500-0.533) of the fish fillets. The performance for the different packaging conditions was also similar, however, in the external validation, the vacuum-packaged samples showed better performance in terms of RMSE compared to the air-packaged ones. Models irrespective of packaging condition are very important for cases where the products' history is unknown although the prediction capability was not as high as in the models per packaging condition individually. The models tested with unknown samples (i.e., from retail stores) showed poorer performance (RMSE: 1.061-1.414) compared to the models validated with data partitioning (RMSE: 0.402-0.547). Multispectral imaging sensor appeared to be efficient for the rapid assessment of the microbiological quality of fish fillets for all the different cases evaluated.

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