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Malnutrition screening with Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 prior to assessment as part of GLIM criteria in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery for gastrointestinal cancer.

INTRODUCTION: For diagnosing malnutrition as an important modifiable risk factor in surgical cancer patients, GLIM criteria offer a standardised diagnostic pathway. Before assessing malnutrition it is suggested to screen for malnutrition with an implemented screening tool, i.e. the NRS-2002. Validated data regarding the applied screening tool and its relevance for predicting outcome parameters in surgical patients is sparse.

METHODS: 260 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery for cancer were retrospectively analysed. Between January 2017 and December 2019, patients were prospectively screened for malnutrition with the Nutritional Risk Score 2002 (NRS). Irrespective of their screening result malnutrition was assessed with GLIM criteria using CT scan at lumbar level 3 for measuring skeletal muscle mass (GLIM MMCT). Patients with negative screening results (NRS ≤ 2) were analysed regarding their malnutrition assessment and outcome parameters.

RESULTS: 34 of 67 patients with NRS ≤ 2, posing no risk for malnutrition, were diagnosed malnourished according to GLIM MMCT (n=34, 50.7%). 19 patients (55.9%) with NRS ≤ 2 and malnutrition according to GLIM had at least one complication, 12 patients (35.3%) had a severe complication (Clavien-Dindo Grade ≥ 3a), in 26.5% re-laparotomy was necessary, re-admission within one month in 20.6% of patients, and length of hospital stay was 18.76 ± 12.66, which was in total worse in outcome compared to the whole study group (n=260). Patients with NRS ≤ 2 but diagnosed malnourished by GLIM were at significant higher risk to develop a severe complication (OR 2.256, 95% CI 1.038 - 4.9095, p=0.036) compared to patients with NRS ≤ 2 but not being diagnosed malnourished. The risk for overall complications was significantly increased in patients with malnutrition diagnosed by the GLIM criteria using MMCT (OR 2.028, 95% CI 1.188-3.463, p= 0,009). Patients screened at risk with NRS ≥ 3 and diagnosed malnourished by GLIM were also at significant higher risk for developing complications (OR 1.728, 95% CI 1.054 - 2.832, p=0.029).

CONCLUSION: GLIM MMCT is suitable for diagnosing malnutrition and estimating postoperative risk in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Nutritional assessment only in patients with NRS > 2 may bear the risk to miss malnourished patients with high risk for poor clinical outcome. In every patient undergoing major cancer surgery regular assessment of nutritional status regardless of screening result should be performed exploiting CT body composition analysis.

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