Journal Article
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A Review of the Current Management of Intracranial Infections of Neurosurgical Importance.

Surgically treated intracranial infections are among the common disease entities seen in neurosurgical practice. Several microbiological agents such as bacteria and fungi have been identified as responsible for intracranial infection. It affects all age groups, though microbial agents and risk factors vary with age. Presentation is non-specific and it requires a high index of suspicion, especially with a background febrile illness such as in the setting of poorly-treated meningitis and immunosuppressive conditions such as retroviral illness. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is the diagnostic tool of choice; it helps to confirm the diagnosis and exclude other ring-enhancing lesions such as glioblastoma and metastatic brain tumours. Treatment involves medical and/or surgical treatment with clear indications. Surgical treatment includes the drainage of abscess via a twist drill or burrhole craniostomy, and craniotomy for recurrent cases. The advances recorded in the evolution of antibiotics and neuroimaging have helped to improve the outcomes of these patients with intracranial infection.

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