Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Peer support for adults with type 2 diabetes starting continuous glucose monitoring-An exploratory randomised controlled trial.

AIMS: To explore the feasibility and potential benefits of a peer support programme for adults with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes (T2D) starting continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

METHODS: This part of the Steno2tech study is an exploratory, single-centre, open-labelled, prospective, randomised controlled trial (RCT). A total of 60 participants were randomised 2:1 to 12 months of CGM with or without peer support. All participants received a 3-h diabetes self-management education course including a CGM part on how to use the CGM and interpret the CGM-derived data. Peer support consisted of three 3-h peer support meetings over the first 6 months of the study period with groups of three to six people. The exploratory outcomes included the acceptability and feasibility of the peer support intervention, and the between-group difference in change in several glycaemic, metabolic and participant-reported outcomes measured at baseline, 6 and 12 months.

RESULTS: The peer support intervention was found acceptable and feasible. Participants shared their experiences of using and interpreting CGM data and its association with health behaviour. While both groups had improvements in glycaemic, metabolic and participant-reported outcomes, there were no significant between-group differences.

CONCLUSIONS: Although feasible, we found no measured additional benefits when adding a peer support programme after starting CGM in this exploratory RCT including adults with insulin-treated T2D. Understanding the perceived effect of and preferences for a peer support intervention from the participants' points of view, including why individuals declined to participate, would be of value for future research.

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