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Mechanically operated signalling scaffolds.
Biochemical Society Transactions 2024 April 4
Cellular signalling is a complex process and involves cascades of enzymes that, in response to a specific signal, give rise to exact cellular responses. Signalling scaffold proteins organise components of these signalling pathways in space and time to co-ordinate signalling outputs. In this review we introduce a new class of mechanically operated signalling scaffolds that are built into the cytoskeletal architecture of the cell. These proteins contain force-dependent binary switch domains that integrate chemical and mechanical signals to introduce quantised positional changes to ligands and persistent alterations in cytoskeletal architecture providing mechanomemory capabilities. We focus on the concept of spatial organisation, and how the cell organises signalling molecules at the plasma membrane in response to specific signals to create order and distinct signalling outputs. The dynamic positioning of molecules using binary switches adds an additional layer of complexity to the idea of scaffolding. The switches can spatiotemporally organise enzymes and substrates dynamically, with the introduction of ∼50 nm quantised steps in distance between them as the switch patterns change. Together these different types of signalling scaffolds and the proteins engaging them, provide a way for an ordering of molecules that extends beyond current views of the cell.
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