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Preoperative Gallows traction as an adjunct to hip open reduction surgery: Is it safe and is it effective?

BACKGROUND: Traction is used at our hospital before open reduction in infants with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Theoretically, it reduces soft-tissue tension, allowing an easier surgical reduction and therefore lower surgical complications. Owing to extended hospital stays, potential complications, and lack of evidence, the use of traction has decreased. This study aims to quantify whether traction is safe and whether it has any demonstrable effect.

METHODS: The perioperative course of 80 patients undergoing preoperative traction and hip open reduction were reviewed. The height of hip dislocation was classified using the International Hip Dysplasia Institute classification system on both radiographs taken before and after traction. Any complications related to traction were recorded, along with the requirement for femoral shortening osteotomies, incidence of re-dislocation, and longer-term rate of avascular necrosis.

RESULTS: Traction lowered the resting position of the majority of hips, with the median International Hip Dysplasia Institute grade before traction improving from 4 to 3, a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.00001). There were no neurovascular complications. Two babies were complicated with broken skin sores; however, surgery still progressed uneventfully. Zero hips in the cohort required femoral shortening osteotomies to achieve a tension-free reduction, and the re-dislocation rate was 0%. However, 96% of hips were Severin 1 or 2 at 6-year follow-up.

CONCLUSION: Notably, 1 week of preoperative traction significantly improves the resting position of the hip in high dislocations. It is safe when used in infants weighing <12 kg, and subsequent surgical outcomes are excellent, thus supporting its use ahead of developmental dysplasia of the hip open reduction surgery.


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