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Areca nut and oral cancer.

Oral Diseases 2024 April 2
INTRODUCTION: The association between areca nut consumption and oral cancer has been a subject of increasing concern in global public health.

GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: Areca nut, often chewed in various forms such as betel quid, is deeply rooted in cultural practices across Asia and other parts of the world. Epidemiological studies consistently reveal a significant correlation between areca nut use and the incidence of oral cancer, emphasizing the need for targeted preventive measures. The complex interplay of areca nut's bioactive compounds, particularly arecoline, with cellular processes, contributes to the initiation and progression of oral carcinogenesis. Mechanistic insights into the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of its components underscore the urgency for comprehensive public health interventions.

PUBLIC HEALTH: Efforts to address this public health challenge involve multidisciplinary approaches, encompassing education, policy implementation, and behavioral interventions. Understanding the socio-cultural factors influencing areca nut consumption is pivotal for designing effective awareness campaigns and cessation programs.

CONCLUSION: As oral cancer remains a significant global health burden, unraveling the nuanced relationship between areca nut and its role in oral carcinogenesis is crucial for advancing preventive strategies and mitigating the impact of this modifiable risk factor.

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