Journal Article
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An evolution of Nanopore next-generation sequencing technology: implications for medical microbiology and public health.

Next-generation sequencing has evolved as a powerful tool, with applications that extend from diagnosis to public health surveillance and outbreak investigations. Short-read sequencing, using primarily Illumina chemistry, has been the prevailing approach. Single-molecule sensing and long-read sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) has witnessed a breakthrough in the evolution of the technology, performance, and applications in the past few years. In this issue of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology , Bogaerts et al. ( describe the utility of the latest ONT sequencing technology, the R10.4.1, in bacterial outbreak investigations. The authors demonstrate that ONT R10.4.1 technology can be comparable to Illumina sequencing for single-nucleotide polymorphism-based phylogeny. The authors emphasize that the reproducibility between ONT and Illumina technologies could facilitate collaborations among laboratories utilizing different sequencing platforms for outbreak investigations.

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