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The reliability of remote diagnostic hearing assessment in school-entry-aged children.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility of remote diagnostic hearing testing within schools, for school-entry aged children (4-7 years).

DESIGN: A prospective cross-sectional comparative study design was used to establish the reliability of remote hearing assessment by comparing traditional face-to-face pure tone audiometry (PTA) with remote PTA, traditional otoscopy with remote video otoscopy and interpretation of tympanograms in-person with remote analysis.

STUDY SAMPLE: 464 school-entry year level children from 18 schools.

RESULTS: Air conduction thresholds established by remote testing were within a clinically acceptable range of ±10 dB HL from traditional thresholds in 98% of cases at 1 kHz and 97.8% at 4 kHz. Bone conduction thresholds varied by ≤10 dB HL in 100% of cases at 1 kHz and 95.7% at 4 kHz. Remote otoscopy and tympanometry interpretation had 78.6% agreement (moderate; κ = 0.6) and 92.2% agreement (almost perfect; κ = 0.9), respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: We found there to be good reliability between face-to-face PTA and remote PTA performed within the school environment. Furthermore, assessment of the outer and middle ear via video otoscopy and remote tympanometry classification were both viable. Remote diagnostic hearing tests in schools can extend reach of paediatric services in rural areas.

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