Journal Article
Observational Study
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Robotic portal resection for mediastinal tumours: a prospective observational study.

BACKGROUND: To demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of robotic portal resection (RPR) for mediastinal tumour using a prospectively collected database.

METHODS: Data from 73 consecutive patients with mediastinal tumours who underwent RPRs were prospectively collected from August 2018 to April 2023. All patients underwent chest and abdominal enhanced computed tomography (CT) and preoperative multidisciplinary team (MDT) discussion. The patients were stratified into two groups based on tumour size: Group A (tumour size < 4 cm) and Group B (tumour size ≥ 4 cm). General clinical characteristics, surgical procedures, and short outcomes were promptly recorded.

RESULTS: All of the cases were scheduled for RPRs. One patient (1/73, 1.4%) was switched to a small utility incision approach because of extensive pleural adhesion. Two patients (2.8%) converted to sternotomy, however, no perioperative deaths occurred. Most of the tumours were located in the anterior mediastinum (51/73, 69.9%). Thymoma (27/73, 37.0%) and thymic cyst (16/73, 21.9%) were the most common diagnoses. The median diameter of tumours was 3.2 cm (IQR, 2.4-4.5 cm). The median total operative time was 61.0 min (IQR, 50.0-90.0 min). The median intraoperative blood loss was 20 mL (IQR, 5.0-30.0 ml), and only one patient (1.4%) experienced an intraoperative complication. The median length of hospital stay was 3 days (IQR, 2-4 days). Compared with Group A, the median total operative time and console time of Group B were significantly longer (P = 0.006 and P = 0.003, respectively). The volume of drainage on the first postoperative day was greater in group B than in group A (P = 0.013).

CONCLUSION: RPR is a safe and effective technique for mediastinal tumour treatment, which can expand the application of minimally invasive surgery for the removal of complicated mediastinal tumours.

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