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Effectiveness and safety of drugs for obesity.

Recent publicity around the use of new antiobesity medications (AOMs) has focused the attention of patients and healthcare providers on the role of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of obesity. Newer drug treatments have shown greater efficacy and safety compared with older drug treatments, yet access to these drug treatments is limited by providers' discomfort in prescribing, bias, and stigma around obesity, as well as by the lack of insurance coverage. Now more than ever, healthcare providers must be able to discuss the risks and benefits of the full range of antiobesity medications available to patients, and to incorporate both guideline based advice and emerging real world clinical evidence into daily clinical practice. The tremendous variability in response to antiobesity medications means that clinicians need to use a flexible approach that takes advantage of specific features of the antiobesity medication selected to provide the best option for individual patients. Future research is needed on how best to use available drug treatments in real world practice settings, the potential role of combination therapies, and the cost effectiveness of antiobesity medications. Several new drug treatments are being evaluated in ongoing clinical trials, suggesting that the future for pharmacotherapy of obesity is bright.

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