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Journal Article
Observational Study
Association between the Static and Dynamic Lung Function and CT-Derived Thoracic Skeletal Muscle Measurements-A Retrospective Analysis of a 12-Month Observational Follow-Up Pilot Study.
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2024 March 6
BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with low skeletal muscle mass and severe airway obstruction have higher mortality risks. However, the relationship between dynamic/static lung function (LF) and thoracic skeletal muscle measurements (SMM) remains unclear. This study explored patient characteristics (weight, BMI, exacerbations, dynamic/static LF, sex differences in LF and SMM, and the link between LF and SMM changes.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis of a 12-month prospective follow-up study patients with stable COPD undergoing standardized treatment, covering mild to severe stages, was conducted. The baseline and follow-up assessments included computed tomography and body plethysmography.
RESULTS: This study included 35 patients (17 females and 18 males). This study revealed that females had more stable LF but tended to have greater declines in SMM areas and indices than males (-5.4% vs. -1.9%, respectively), despite the fact that females were younger and had higher LF and less exacerbation than males. A multivariate linear regression showed a negative association between the inspiratory capacity/total lung capacity ratio (IC/TLC) and muscle fat area.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest distinct LF and BC progression patterns between male and female patients with COPD. A low IC/TLC ratio may predict increased muscle fat. Further studies are necessary to understand these relationships better.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis of a 12-month prospective follow-up study patients with stable COPD undergoing standardized treatment, covering mild to severe stages, was conducted. The baseline and follow-up assessments included computed tomography and body plethysmography.
RESULTS: This study included 35 patients (17 females and 18 males). This study revealed that females had more stable LF but tended to have greater declines in SMM areas and indices than males (-5.4% vs. -1.9%, respectively), despite the fact that females were younger and had higher LF and less exacerbation than males. A multivariate linear regression showed a negative association between the inspiratory capacity/total lung capacity ratio (IC/TLC) and muscle fat area.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest distinct LF and BC progression patterns between male and female patients with COPD. A low IC/TLC ratio may predict increased muscle fat. Further studies are necessary to understand these relationships better.
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