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The Cambridge aided loudness profile (CALP): item choices and data for unaided listening by young and older normal-hearing listeners and older hearing-impaired listeners.
International Journal of Audiology 2024 March 22
OBJECTIVE: To develop an improved version of the profile of aided loudness (PAL), intended for assessment of the appropriateness of the loudness of everyday sounds.
DESIGN: Initially, 16 participants with a range of ages and degrees of hearing loss indicated whether they encountered each situation described in the PAL and how specific they considered the description to be. Based on the responses, most situations from the PAL were eliminated and new situations were introduced, giving the Cambridge Aided Loudness Profile (CALP). The CALP was administered to 80 young and 22 older participants with normal hearing, who rated the loudness of each situation and satisfaction with this loudness (as for the original PAL). Satisfaction was strongly negatively correlated with loudness, suggesting that satisfaction was largely based on loudness. The CALP was then administered to 32 new young normal-hearing participants and 49 older participants with hearing loss, most of whom used hearing aids, who rated loudness and the appropriateness of loudness.
RESULTS: Some situations were rated as loud but appropriate in loudness, indicating that the CALP can distinguish these aspects.
CONCLUSIONS: The CALP questions were understood by all participants. The CALP may be useful for assessing the appropriateness of loudness.
DESIGN: Initially, 16 participants with a range of ages and degrees of hearing loss indicated whether they encountered each situation described in the PAL and how specific they considered the description to be. Based on the responses, most situations from the PAL were eliminated and new situations were introduced, giving the Cambridge Aided Loudness Profile (CALP). The CALP was administered to 80 young and 22 older participants with normal hearing, who rated the loudness of each situation and satisfaction with this loudness (as for the original PAL). Satisfaction was strongly negatively correlated with loudness, suggesting that satisfaction was largely based on loudness. The CALP was then administered to 32 new young normal-hearing participants and 49 older participants with hearing loss, most of whom used hearing aids, who rated loudness and the appropriateness of loudness.
RESULTS: Some situations were rated as loud but appropriate in loudness, indicating that the CALP can distinguish these aspects.
CONCLUSIONS: The CALP questions were understood by all participants. The CALP may be useful for assessing the appropriateness of loudness.
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