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Survival and expression of rpoS and grxB of Cronobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula under simulated gastric conditions of newborns.

Cronobacter sakazakii can cause severe illnesses in infants, predominantly in preterm newborns, with consumption of contaminated powdered infant formula (PIF) being the major vehicle of infection. Using a dynamic human gastrointestinal simulator called the SHIME, this study examined the effects of gastric acidity and gastric digestion time of newborns on the survival and expression of stress genes of C. sakazakii. Individual strains, inoculated at 7 log CFU/mL into reconstituted PIF, were exposed to gastric pH values of 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 for 4 h with gradual acidification. The survival results showed that C. sakazakii grew in the stomach portion of the SHIME during a 4-h exposure to pH 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 by 0.96-1.05, 1.02-1.28 and 1.11-1.73 log CFU/mL, respectively. The expression of two stress genes, rpoS and grxB, throughout gastric digestion was evaluated using reverse transcription qPCR. The upregulation of rpoS and grxB during the 4-h exposure to simulated gastric fluid at pH 4.00 showed that C. sakazakii strains may be experiencing the most stress in the pH 4.00 treatment. The gene expression results also suggest that C. sakazakii strains appeared to develop an acid adaptation response during the 4-h exposure that may facilitate their survival. Altogether, this study highlights that a combination of low gastric acidity, long digestion time in the presence of reconstituted PIF, created a favourable environment for the adaptation and survival of C. sakazakii in the simulation of a newborn's stomach. This study gives directions for future research to further advance our understanding of the behaviour of C. sakazakii in the GI tract of newborns.

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