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Gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma of the central nervous system: A case report and review of the literature.

Primary T-cell lymphoma (TCL) of the central nervous system (CNS) is a rare and potentially aggressive entity. We describe a case of TCL presenting in the basal ganglia with γδ receptor expression and a remarkably aggressive clinical course. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fifth reported case of γδ TCL presenting in the CNS. We review existing literature, including the previously reported cases of γδ TCL of the CNS. In our case, a 69-year-old male presented with acute onset dysarthria and right-sided weakness, with initial imaging concerning for stroke. Repeat imaging demonstrated a 2.6-cm mass in the left basal ganglia-corona radiata. Pathologic examination of a stereotactic biopsy revealed TCL with γδ receptor phenotype. The patient suffered rapid clinical decline and passed away within 6 weeks of initial diagnosis. This represents an important differential diagnosis and sheds light on the potentially poor prognosis conferred by γδ TCL of the CNS.

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