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Journal Article
Preventing maternal morbidity and mortality from preeclampsia and eclampsia particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Preeclampsia (PE) is a complex heterogeneous disorder with overlapping clinical phenotypes that complicate diagnosis and management. Although several pathophysiological mechanisms have been proposed, placental dysfunction due to inadequate remodelling of uterine spiral arteries leading to mal-perfusion and syncytiotrophoblast stress is recognized as the unifying characteristic of early-onset PE. Placental overgrowth and or premature senescence are probably the causes of late-onset PE. The frequency of PE has increased over the last few decades due to population-wide increases in risk factors viz. obesity, diabetes, multifetal pregnancies and pregnancies at an advanced maternal age. Whilst multimodal tools with components comprising risk factors, biomarkers and sonography are used for predicting PE, aspirin is most effective in preventing early-onset PE. The incidence and clinical consequences of PE and eclampsia are influenced by socioeconomic and cultural factors, therefore management strategies should involve multi-sector partnerships to mitigate the adverse outcomes.
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