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Recurrent Cholesteatoma: Why it occurs?

A cholesteatoma is an expansion of keratinizing squamous epithelium that enters the middle ear cleft from the outer layer of the tympanic membrane or ear canal. Choleatomas are always treated surgically. Recurrence of the illness presents another challenge for the patient and the surgeon, though. There have been reports of recurrence rates as high as 30% in adults and as high as 70% in children. Here, we describe a case of persistent recurrent otorrhea following revision surgery, along with acquired recurrent cholesteatoma following canal wall down surgery. A 38-year -male with underlying Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension presented with left scanty and foul-smelling ear discharge for 2 years and left reduced hearing. He was diagnosed with left chronic active otitis media with cholesteatoma for which he underwent left modified radical mastoidectomy, meatoplasty and tympanoplasty in 2017. Five months post operatively, he presented with left otorrhea. However, he defaulted followed up and presented in April 2018 for similar complaints. Otoscopy examination revealed left tympanic membrane perforation at poster superior quadrant of pars tensa and bluish discoloration behind pars flacida. He was diagnosed as recurrent left cholesteatoma and subsequently he underwent left mastoid exploration under general anesthesia in June 2018. Postsurgery, he developed recurrent ear discharge which was treated with topical antibiotics and ear toileting. We report a case of recurrent Cholesteatoma despite canal wall down procedure requiring a second redo procedure and with persistent recurrent otorrhea after the redo procedure.However, this case demonstrates the need for regular follow ups even after a canal wall down procedure for detecting recurrence of disease. Moreover, this case denotes some of the patient factors and surgeon factors involved in disease recurrence. Furthermore, importance of opting for an imaging study in case of high suspicion of the disease.

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