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Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) Status toward Clinical Reasoning and Evidence-Based Medicine among the Medical Interns and Gynecology Residents of Iran University of Medical Sciences.

BACKGROUND: Clinical reasoning and evidence-based medicine (EBM) are important concepts in modern medicine.

OBJECTIVE: We performed this study to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) status toward clinical reasoning and EBM among the medical interns and gynecology resident physicians of Iran University of Medical Sciences and related factors.

METHODS: A cross-sectional study (Tehran, Iran, first half of 2022) was conducted based on two researcher-made questionnaires consisting of three components for each including clinical reasoning attitude (CR-A), clinical reasoning knowledge (CR-K), clinical reasoning practice (CR-P), EBM attitude (EBM-A), EBM knowledge (EBM-K), and EBM practice (EBM-P). The related factors were age, gender, educational level, score of general practice education, having research experience, and general practice experience.

RESULTS: A total of 60 individuals participated. The mean score was good for CR-A, moderate for CR-K, moderate for CR-P, good for EBM-A, moderate for EBM-K, and moderate for EBM-P. The total score was moderate in both clinical reasoning and EBM. Among the related factors, CR-P was associated with higher educational levels and having experience in general practice ( P   < 0.05). Research experience was associated with better CR-K and all KAP components for EBM ( P   < 0.05).

CONCLUSION: The total score and many of the KAP components had moderate status for clinical reasoning and EBM. Planning on the associated factors should be regarded in the future. Such questionnaires are suggested to be validated for use in quasi-experimental studies.

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