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Web-Based Initiatives to Prevent Sexual Offense Perpetration: A Systematic Review.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Web-based programs to prevent sexual offense perpetration could provide an opportunity that avoids many of the barriers associated with in-person treatment. The aim of this systematic review is to give an overview of the literature on web-based initiatives aimed at sexual offense perpetration prevention published during the last 10 years (2013-2023) and to report data on the efficacy as well as issues of the discussed initiatives.

RECENT FINDINGS: We included 18 empirical studies discussing web-based perpetration prevention initiatives, of which six are randomized controlled trials. Among the articles, four cover programs focusing on prevention of sexual reoffending and 14 discuss programs aimed at preventing initial sexual offenses. Evaluations and observations of web-based initiatives aimed at preventing sexual offense perpetration show overall promising results and are well-appreciated. However, evaluation studies are scarce and more randomized controlled trials replicating this effect are warranted.

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