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Practical Guidance for Clinical Microbiology Laboratories: Microbiologic diagnosis of implant-associated infections.

SUMMARYImplant-associated infections (IAIs) pose serious threats to patients and can be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. These infections may be difficult to diagnose due, in part, to biofilm formation on device surfaces, and because even when microbes are found, their clinical significance may be unclear. Despite recent advances in laboratory testing, IAIs remain a diagnostic challenge. From a therapeutic standpoint, many IAIs currently require device removal and prolonged courses of antimicrobial therapy to effect a cure. Therefore, making an accurate diagnosis, defining both the presence of infection and the involved microorganisms, is paramount. The sensitivity of standard microbial culture for IAI diagnosis varies depending on the type of IAI, the specimen analyzed, and the culture technique(s) used. Although IAI-specific culture-based diagnostics have been described, the challenge of culture-negative IAIs remains. Given this, molecular assays, including both nucleic acid amplification tests and next-generation sequencing-based assays, have been used. In this review, an overview of these challenging infections is presented, as well as an approach to their diagnosis from a microbiologic perspective.

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