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Gluing Together a Fragmented Healthcare System for Geriatrics Will Be Hard. It's Time for United Action.

"Gluing" together integrated Geriatric Clinical Service lines (GCSL) within the US healthcare system is a significant challenge. Reasons encompass health professional workforce shortages, inconsistent requirements for geriatric educational competencies among the health professional disciplines, preconceived ageist attitudes about older adults with complex illnesses, and a US healthcare system infrastructure that is not aligned with longitudinal and interdisciplinary care needs for older adults. This review focuses on three major characteristics of the US healthcare system that have impeded widespread dissemination of GCSLs: 1) the US's historical fee for service (FFS) reimbursement system; 2) increasing reliance upon disease specific specialty care services for older patients that have resulted from advances in medicine; and 3) rising consolidation of US healthcare systems over the last 30 years. Three specific options are also provided that might help change the current and future trajectories of GCSLs: 1) local political advocacy to implement health policy legislation; 2) expand geriatric physician and health professional workforce by nontraditional means; and 3) reprioritize expansionist healthcare systems corporate behavior. Each of these interventions will be hard to achieve, but it is time to unite if GCSLs are to thrive as pathways to improve care outcomes for older adults with complex medical, cognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders.

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