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Dissociative Experiences, Borderline Personality Disorder Features, and Childhood Trauma: Generating Hypotheses from Data-Driven Network Analysis in an International Sample.

Dissociation is a multifaceted phenomenon that occurs in various mental disorders, including borderline personality disorder (BPD), but also in non-clinical populations. Severity of childhood trauma (abuse, neglect) plays an important role in the development of dissociation and BPD. However, the complex interplay of different dissociative symptoms, BPD features, and self-reported childhood trauma experiences is not yet fully understood. Graph-theoretical network analysis can help to better understand such multivariate interrelations. Objective: This study aimed to investigate associations between self-reported dissociation, BPD features, and childhood trauma experiences using a graph-theoretical approach. Data was collected online via international mental health platforms and research sites. N  = 921 individuals (77.4% female) were included; 40% reported pathological levels of dissociation. Variables were assessed with established psychometric scales (Dissociative Experiences Scale; Personality Assessment Inventory Borderline Features Scale; Childhood Trauma Questionnaire) and analyzed within a partial correlation network. Positive bivariate correlations between all variables were found. When accounting for their mutual influence on each other, dissociation was predominantly connected to BPD features with effect sizes between rp  = .028 and rp  = .126, while still showing a slight unique relationship with physical neglect ( rp  = .044). Findings suggest close associations between dissociative experiences and BPD features. While childhood trauma plays an important role in the development of dissociation and BPD, its recall may not fully explain their current co-occurrence. Prospective studies are needed to shed more light on causal pathways to better understand which factors contribute to dissociation and its link to BPD (features).

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