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Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Salmonella, Generic Escherichia coli, and Coliforms in Florida's Agricultural Soils.

Limited data exist on the environmental factors that impact pathogen prevalence in the soil. The prevalence of foodborne pathogens, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, and the prevalence and concentration of generic E. coli in Florida's agricultural soils was evaluated to understand the potential risk of microbial contamination at the pre-harvest level. For all organisms but L. monocytogenes, a longitudinal field study was performed in three geographically distributed agricultural areas across Florida. At each location, 20 unique 5x5 m field sampling sites were selected, soil was collected and evaluated for Salmonella presence (25 g) and E. coli and coliform concentrations (5 g). Complementary data collected from October 2021 to April 2022 included: weather; adjacent land-use; soil properties, including macro- and micro-nutrients; and field management practices. The overall Salmonella and generic E. coli prevalence was 0.418% (1/239) and 11.3% (27/239), respectively; with mean E. coli concentrations in positive samples of 1.56 log CFU/g. Farm A had the highest prevalence of generic E. coli, 22.8% (18/79); followed by Farm B, 10% (8/80); and Farm C 1.25% (1/80). A significant relationship (p< 0.05) was observed between generic E. coli and coliforms, and farm and sampling trip. Variation in the prevalence of generic E. coli and changes in coliform concentrations between farms suggest environmental factors (e.g. soil properties) at the three farms were different. While Salmonella was only detected once, generic E. coli was detected in Florida soils throughout the duration of the growing season meaning activities that limit contact between soil and horticultural crops should continue to be emphasized. Samples collected during an independent sampling trip were evaluated for L. monocytogenes, which was not detected. The influence of local environmental factors on the prevalence of indicator organisms in the soil presents a unique challenge when evaluating the applicability of more global models to predict pathogen prevalence in pre-harvest produce environments.

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