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Delivering Genetic Test Results for Parkinson Disease: A Qualitative Approach to Provider Experiences in the PD GENEration Study.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The PD GENEration (PD GENE) study (NCT04057794) is an interventional clinical trial offering genetic testing with result disclosure and genetic counseling to individuals with Parkinson disease (PD). In general, experiences of those providing PD genetic testing and counseling in a research or clinical setting have not been extensively evaluated. In this study, providers' experiences when providing research result disclosure and genetic counseling to people with PD were explored with the goal of improving PD genetics services.

METHODS: Qualitative semistructured interviews of all neurologists and genetic counselors who performed genetic test result disclosure and genetic counseling to at least 5 participants in the pilot portion of the PD GENE study were conducted. An inductive thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews identified core themes and subthemes for "lessons learned" and "challenges encountered."

RESULTS: Interviews were conducted with 14 providers (7 neurologists and 7 genetic counselors) who described multiple lessons learned while disclosing genetic test results, including the ability to adapt to participant background and needs and the value of a well-structured and supportive study that also provides training and educational materials for the provider. Of importance, responses suggested that the PD GENE study answered a real need, highlighting a strong interest in the community. Providers also voiced several shared challenges including the complexities of PD and PD genetics, unexpected confusion on provider roles within a research study, and complicated family histories/dynamics.

DISCUSSION: Providers in the pilot portion of the PD GENE study encountered enthusiasm and strong engagement from many of the participants, and they, too, voiced significant satisfaction about their roles and the mission of the study. They learned valuable lessons, and their comfort providing genetic test result disclosure and genetic counseling grew as the study progressed. Although there were challenges, they were deemed manageable. The results from this qualitative study can inform both the expanded PD GENE study and other providers offering genetic testing and counseling to their patients in a neurology setting. It will also allow for targeted PD provider education.

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