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Effects of a 12-week telehealth exercise intervention on gait speed and gait deviations in adults with Down syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research : JIDR 2024 March 13
BACKGROUND: Altered gait patterns and reduced walking speed are commonly reported in adults with Down syndrome (DS). Research on the effects of DS-specific exercise programmes on adults with DS is lacking. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to evaluate the changes in gait deviations and walking speed in adults with DS after a DS-specific exercise programme.
METHODS: Twenty participants underwent a 12-week, DS-specific exercise programme in a telehealth format. Before and after the intervention, gait deviations were assessed with the Ranchos Los Amigos Observational Gait Analysis form, and comfortable walking speed was evaluated with the 4-m walk test.
RESULTS: We observed increased comfortable walking speed and reduced gait deviations in the whole gait cycle in adults with DS after the intervention. There were fewer gait deviations during single-leg stance and swing-limb advancement and at the hip, knee and ankle joints after the 12-week exercise programme.
CONCLUSIONS: Gait speed and observable gait impairments in adults with DS significantly improved following a 12-week telehealth exercise programme.
METHODS: Twenty participants underwent a 12-week, DS-specific exercise programme in a telehealth format. Before and after the intervention, gait deviations were assessed with the Ranchos Los Amigos Observational Gait Analysis form, and comfortable walking speed was evaluated with the 4-m walk test.
RESULTS: We observed increased comfortable walking speed and reduced gait deviations in the whole gait cycle in adults with DS after the intervention. There were fewer gait deviations during single-leg stance and swing-limb advancement and at the hip, knee and ankle joints after the 12-week exercise programme.
CONCLUSIONS: Gait speed and observable gait impairments in adults with DS significantly improved following a 12-week telehealth exercise programme.
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