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Prognostic factors in clinicopathology of oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma: a single-centre longitudinal study of 347 cases over a 20-year period.
Pathology 2024 Februrary 27
Oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (EGA) includes oesophageal (EA), gastro-oesophageal junctional (GEJA), and gastric (GA) adenocarcinomas. The prognostic values of clinicopathological factors in these tumours remain obscure, especially for GEJA that has been inconsistently classified and staged. We studied the prognosis of EGA patients among the three geographic groups in 347 consecutive patients with a median age of 70 years (range 47-94). All patients were male, and 97.1% were white. Based on tumour epicentre location, EGAs were sub-grouped into EA (over 2 cm above the GEJ; n=3, 18.1%), GEJA (within 2 cm above and 3 cm below the GEJ; n=231, 66.6%), and GA (over 3 cm below the GEJ; n=53, 15.3%). We found that the median overall survival (OS) was the longest in EA (62.9 months), compared to GEJA (33.4), and GA (38.1) (p<0.001). Significant risk factors for OS included tumour location (p=0.018), size (p<0.001), differentiation (p<0.001), adenocarcinoma subtype (p<0.001), and TNM stage (p<0.001). Independent risk factors for OS comprised low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma [odds ratio (OR) 0.449, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.214-0.944, p<0.05), mixed adenocarcinoma (OR 1.531, 95% CI 1.056-2.218, p<0.05), adenosquamous carcinoma (OR 2.206, 95% CI 1.087-4.475, p<0.05), N stage (OR 1.505, 95% CI 1.043-2.171, p<0.05), and M stage (OR 10.036, 95% CI 2.519-39.993, p=0.001)]. EGA was further divided into low-risk (common well-moderately differentiated tubular and low-grade papillary adenocarcinomas) and high-risk (uncommon adenocarcinoma subtypes, adenosquamous carcinoma) subgroups. In this grouping, the median OS was significantly longer in the low-risk (83 months) than in the high-risk (10 months) subgroups (p<0.001). In conclusion, the prognosis of EGA patients was significantly better in EA than in GEJA or GA and could be stratified into low and high-risk subgroups with significantly different outcomes.
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