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Journal Article
Progress in Biomarkers Related to Biliary Atresia.
Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology 2024 March 28
Biliary atresia (BA) is a congenital cholestatic disease that can seriously damage children's liver function. It is one of the main reasons for liver transplantation in children. Early diagnosis of BA is crucial to the prognosis of patients, but there is still a lack of reliable non-invasive diagnostic methods. Additionally, as some children are in urgent need of liver transplantation, evaluating the stage of liver fibrosis and postoperative native liver survival in children with BA using a straightforward, efficient, and less traumatic method is a major focus of doctors. In recent years, an increasing number of BA-related biomarkers have been identified and have shown great potential in the following three aspects of clinical practice: diagnosis, evaluation of the stage of liver fibrosis, and prediction of native liver survival. This review focuses on the pathophysiological function and clinical application of three novel BA-related biomarkers, namely MMP-7, FGF-19, and M2BPGi. Furthermore, progress in well-known biomarkers of BA such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, circulating cytokines, and other potential biomarkers is discussed, aiming to provide a reference for clinical practice.
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