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Journal Article
Perineal injuries during vaginal birth in low-resource countries.
Birth related perineal trauma (BRPT) and obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) are leading causes of anal incontinence in women, which negatively impacts on their quality of life, resulting in low self-esteem and abandonment. In low resource countries (LRC), the true incidence is not known and since most births are unattended or occur in community-based health care systems, one can anticipate that it is a significant problem. Dissemination of information to women, education of traditional birth attendants, improvement of resources and transport, and training of health professionals on the detection and appropriate surgical management of these injuries will reduce morbidity and improve outcome. Intrapartum measures such as controlled head descent and perineal support, correct episiotomy techniques and selective use of instruments to assist vaginal births is pivotal in avoiding these injuries. Policy makers should prioritize maternity care in LRC, and research is urgently needed to address all aspects of BRPT.
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