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Clover stitch technique for aortic valve in mitral valve repair.

In the case of mitral repair with severe aortic regurgitation, aortotomy and selective cardioplegia are necessary for myocardiac protection. In this situation, the saline test for mitral valve repair cannot be accomplished due to incomplete left ventricular filing. In patients undergoing mitral valve repair concomitant with severe aortic valve insufficiency, after cardiac stand still was achieved by selective cardioplegia. Each center of the aortic leaflet, termed the node of Arantius, was stitch up using a 5-0 polypropylene suture, forming a clover leaflet shape. This stitch inhibits aortic valve opening and reduces saline leakage thorough aortic valve. We have termed this procedure as the "Clover Stitch Technique". Upon completion of this technique, mitral valve repair can be undertaken via a right-side left atrial incision. This technique enables accurate evaluation of mitral valve morphology or the extent of regurgitation, repeatedly without complicated manipulations during and after mitral valve repair.

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