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Differential Clubbing and a Triad of Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Ventricular Septal Defect and Supravalvular Ring Mitral Stenosis: A Case Report.
West African Journal of Medicine 2024 January 31
It is not uncommon for congenital heart defects to occur in clusters. Those involving a right to left heart shunt commonly cause cyanosis and finger clubbing. Differential clubbing involving only the lower limb digits is a strong pointer to the presence of patent ductus arteriosus with reversal of shunt. We report a case of 25-year-old man with effort intolerance and differential clubbing. He was found to have the uncommon triad of patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect and supravalvular ring mitral stenosis. The presence of differential clubbing on a background of patent ductus arteriosus usually indicates a reversal of shunt and negates surgical intervention. This general rule may however not apply with co-existing mitral stenosis as the elevated pulmonary pressure may be predominantly post-capillary. The finding of mitral stenosis in a patient with patent ductus arteriosus and differential limb clubbing may signify a good prognostic surgical outcome.
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