Journal Article
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The role of viruses in oral mucosal lesions.

Periodontology 2000 2024 Februrary 27
The mucosa of the oral cavity is exposed to a large number of different microorganisms such as archaea, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. Among those, viruses cause specific infections, which can easily be transmitted from one person to another. The infectious route may not only include patients and their relatives but also the dental professional team. Thus, a wide knowledge regarding specific viral infections is crucial for the daily routine. Signs and symptoms of oral viral infections can be completely absent or develop into a pronounced clinical picture, so that early detection and information determine the further course of the infection and its influence on other inflammatory diseases, such as periodontitis, as well as the safety of family members and the social environment. As the clinical manifestation of viral infections may be highly variable leading to heterogenous mucosal lesions it is, in most cases, mandatory to differentiate them by specific microbiological tests in addition to clinical examination procedures. This article will give an overview of the role of viruses infecting the oral mucosa, and in addition, describe their clinical manifestation and management.

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