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High Dynamic Range Image Processing for Retinal Color Fundus Photography.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Color fundus photography is an important imaging modality that is currently limited by a narrow dynamic range. We describe a post-image processing technique to generate high dynamic range (HDR) retinal images with enhanced detail.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational case series evaluating fundus photographs of patients with macular pathology. Photographs were acquired with three or more exposure values using a commercially available camera (Topcon 50-DX). Images were aligned and imported into HDR processing software (Photomatix Pro). Fundus detail was compared between HDR and raw photographs.

RESULTS: Sixteen eyes from 10 patients (5 male, 5 female; mean age 59.4 years) were analyzed. Clinician graders preferred the HDR image 91.7% of the time (44/48 image comparisons), with good grader agreement (81.3%, 13/16 eyes).

CONCLUSIONS: HDR fundus imaging is feasible using images from existing fundus cameras and may be useful for enhanced visualization of retinal detail in a variety of pathologic states. [ Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2024;55:XX-XX.] .

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